Planning a meaningful and realistically paced Route to Net Zero Carbon
The impacts of a changing climate are being felt now.
In 2019, the UK became the first major economy to adopt a legal commitment to achieve “Net Zero” carbon emissions by 2050.
We’re all in this together. We all have our part to play as infrastructure stakeholders as we transition to a cleaner future.
Establishing the right Route to Net Zero for you
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. We all have different challenges, funds and resources available to us – and you may feel pressure to meet targets which seem out of reach. From a single project, to a whole real estate portfolio, Vercity will help you to understand what Net Zero really means for your assets and facilities.

Identifying your zenith and setting meaningful milestones
The first step is to understand the emission boundaries – what can you control and what can you influence?
- What’s your ambition?
- How quickly do you want to achieve your goals? At what cost?
- What’s the routemap? Are there interim goals? When should you start?
- Where does offsetting come in?

Embedding a clean culture across your organisation
The route to Net Zero requires everyone to engage. Governance is essential to realise ambitions, and stakeholder engagement is key for cross-boundary emissions.
- Creating awareness and behavioural change
- Clean energy – the golden thread throughout
- Ethical investment
- Responsible procurement
- Resource efficiency

Selecting the right resources and technologies
One size does not fit all. Understanding boundaries, ambitions, constraints and context allows solutions to be tailored to your needs.
- Green solutions not green-washing
- Future proofing – project life and beyond
- Sustainability
- Asset Risk Management
- Energy obsolescence
- Integrated energy strategies

Realising optimal societal and environmental value
Creating a better world and quality of life, both short and long term, is at the heart of the Route to Net Zero.
- Is Net Zero enough?
- ESG – integration and augmentation
- Enhancing local natural environment
- Data management – intelligent management of assets
Joining all the dots in a clear and actionable Net Zero Routemap
As fresh-thinking problem solvers, we sculpt our strategic, financial, technical and commercial services to meet your needs. In influencing progressive change, we achieve maximum societal and environmental impact.

Where to start?
Joined up thinking from the outset
This highly engaging session is the ideal first step on your Route to Net Zero, resulting in a shared vision of what success looks like.
Hosted by one of our specialist Vercity consultants, we bring key team members together – from those managing on site, to those in the boardroom – to identify and discuss objectives, challenges and opportunities – and set ambitions for the Net Zero Routemap.
Who should attend
All those with an interest in working towards Net Zero in the built environment should attend, especially the decision makers.
- Asset owners
- Investment directors
- Asset managers
- Estate managers
- Financial directors
- Capital planning managers
- Technical managers
Enquire now
Further Reading

Offsetting: Thinking Nature Local and Globally
Read more about Offsetting: Thinking Nature Local and Globally

Meeting the Challenges of Net Zero in Multi-sector Contracts
Read more about Meeting the Challenges of Net Zero in Multi-sector Contracts

Reconciling PPP Expiry with Net Zero Objectives
Read more about Reconciling PPP Expiry with Net Zero Objectives