For over two decades, Vercity has provided financial and asset management, company secretarial and technical services to clients across a range of sectors. As the largest SPV manager of public-private partnership assets by size and value, we’ve experienced rapid growth in recent years. With the acquisition of John Laing Project Management Services in 2016, we now have an annual turnover of over £30 million. We were the first SPV management company to gain ISO55001 accreditation, which continues to influence our work and enable us to deliver projects with positive societal impact. Vercity currently employs over 300 staff, managing over 100 projects throughout the UK and Canada. We manage accommodation assets with a total floor area in excess of 3.5 million square metres, with an aggregate capital value of more than £30 billion. In providing exceptional value and client confidence, we continue our legacy of delivering transformational project leadership.